Rules Sins of Etiquette
A 3 minute read.
Revised, December 27 of 2024
Rules 1 through 20,
Rule 21 only applies to full membership access.
Remember, this is Private Property your presence is contingent on following the Rules.
Help us by reading and following these rules.
You must be over 21 to Join Oasis 33.
1- Conduct yourself in a courteous and lawful manner.
All of the state and federal laws still apply here.
2- Don't be nosey !
Don't ask others where they live and work etc.
If someone does try to get nosy with you, have a little fun, tell them you work for the IRS, or you're an astronaut, or whatever you'd like. You have no obligation to be honest with a busy body, and since we don't share your information with other members you can tell them anything, and we won't say any different.
2- Touching others without consent is not permitted. It can also be a crime.
3- Sexual Activity kept private between the adults involved. This is not a swing club, keep it out of sight, out of mind.. (use tasteful judgement as to where and when).
4-Prostitution is not tolerated.
5- Oasis 33 is not an Outlaw Hideout. We will cooperate with law enforcement for access and information when needed. Those with criminal tendencies won't find sanctuary here.
6,a- Drink in moderation,
(don't be a drunken dumb fuck)
6,b-- Do not drive to or from the Retreat under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Camping is free, sleep it off here.
6,c- Do not share or give alcohol to others.
It's not funny to get others drunk, we take a dim view of it, doing so may result in being banned.
7- Keep firearms secure, and out of plain view.
(Never leave your gun where a drunk or crazy person could get a hold of it).
8- Member Guest Policy: guests are not allowed. have them purchase a membership.
They have to purchase a membership themselves online, we don't do it in person ever.
We have to have their information before they come on the property, This way they know they will be held accountable.
9- Date rape drugs: If we suspect a person is in possession of such substances we will, without warning, invite law enforcement on the property to investigate. (it will be a surprise) For your safety don't accept open drinks!
Here is more info:
10- Pets are welcome, as long as they are not dangerous or annoying to others. No pets in common areas.
11- Taking pictures of others without consent is forbidden, and can be a violation of Montana Law.
12, a- Report carpetbaggers:
Carpetbagging is a derogatory term that refers to an outsider who moves into an area to take advantage of a situation for personal gain.
Carpetbaggers may be banned
(12, b- NO soliciting, Hustling, or otherwise being a Creep. Use tasteful judgement !
13, c-You may post event fliers/cards at the Retreat, (but do not personally solicit others). Fliers can be anything from outside meetups or other Nude events venues. We like to promote anything nude related. You are also welcome to post your business cards flyers etc. Some events allow your own display / retail areas.
This paragraph is the only exception to carpetbagging.
14- No: building, constructing, modifying, "repairing" or "improvements", removing, destroying, altering anything on Retreat property. If you want to help out, pickup garbage. As a general rule, if its not yours, don't fuck with it.
15- Persons under 18 are not permitted at the Retreat unless they are your children, and pre-approved by Oasis 33.
15,b-Bringing someone underage will result in being banned, we will report it if we suspect criminal intent.
16- Do Not harm the Trees! No pruning, cutting, breaking or removing of any tree or bush. Many of the trees are Juniper and are several hundred years old, and they are not replaceable.
17- No earth moving equipment on the property. Do not operate power tools on the property without permission.
18- Campfires in portable pits are generally okay (we usually have pits that you can use). Keep a shovel and a bucket for dirt to put any fire or amber out.
19- Towel is required when using others chairs.
20- Generators can be used but avoid running it when it will disturb others.
21- Full Access Members, sign the Dave Frank addendum, it includes a minimum liability acknowledgment for certain rules, additional identification, and contact consent. It's not needed for events or short-term memberships. Find the addendum on the rental page, or by clicking here.
This Retreat reserves the right to cancel a Membership and eject Problem Persons from the retreat Property. This Retreat reserves the right to cancel a Membership and eject Problem Persons from the Club Property.
By Joining, you understand and agree to
abide by the above Rules.